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  • Bart Drost, Pim Steinmann & Ans Verdijk

    Tanze mit mir in den Himmel hinein

    How I got into dancing with Pim and Ans…

    And now there is 'Tanzen mit mir in den Himmel hinein'. A visual presentation by Pim Steinmann, Bart Drost and Ans Verdijk in the artist initiative ALARM in Beugen. A surprising combination of images, working methods and personalities. An unexpected opportunity to create an exhibition together.

    The beginning

    In November 2014 it dawned on me that in connection with MAAS-jong! activities in my own studio in May 2015, I was left without a studio for a few weeks. I know the positive energy that can come from working elsewhere for a period and I contacted Ans Verdijk. I was going to exhibit in her Museum of All Times in 2015 and I thought it would be a good idea to do 'something in ALARM' beforehand. Ans says 'Yes', but preferably in combination with another artist. We both believe that working with someone from the youngest generation would be very worthwhile for all parties. At the 'Christmas Cave' presentation in MAAS, Ans and I met Pim Steinmann for the first time and invited him to participate.

    Artist residence

    In short: suddenly ALARM was an 'artist residence'. Pim and Bart would work there together from mid-April to mid-May. With an exhibition in ALARM as the final activity. Ans made ALARM available, including home and hearth and the land around it. During the first conversation the three of us had in Beugen - about how things should go now, what everyone's expectations were - it was naturally discussed that Ans would also be working during this period. A wonderful combination: Ans lives on site, Pim regularly stays at the Renaissance house for several nights during this period, Bart always goes from Nijmegen to Beugen and vice versa.

    Virtual brainstorming

    So it happened. What would it lead to, what should it be about? We had no idea. During one of my weekly Ooy walks, the song 'Tanze mit mir in den Morgen' plays through my head and it won't let me go. I email the song to Ans and Pim: I think this should be our guideline. You have to have something to hold on to, something like that. Lights went on for both Ans and Pim and ideas emerged. We kept each other informed via email, even before we actually started working. Virtual brainstorming.

    The heaven

    And then to work in ALARM. Pim and I found our way among Ans' things. As a 'man of grand gesture' I promptly saw washing lines on the field, and Pim started drawing on large blank sheets in the shed. And idiosyncratic Ans working in her own studio. During the entire period, everyone continued to go their own way. Once during one of the sporadic coffee moments together, Pim says: 'I think I'm focusing on heaven', or something to that effect. I think 'How does he suddenly get to heaven?'. It turns out that Pim has been watching music on YouTube a la 'Tanzen mit mir in den Morgen' and thus ended up with 'Tanze mit mir in den Himmel hinein'. A hit! This song suits 'us' much better. A conversation about heaven and hell follows between two generations of artists, one of whom was taught these concepts and the other of whom these concepts are more or less foreign.

    Together/not together

    We have come to the conclusion that a period of working together somewhere with a common theme and end goal is very inspiring. Without being able to put our finger on the sensitive spots, we are each convinced that only the presence of the other and especially seeing the other at work has touched us. For example, a work by Pim (which contains the word gymnasium) was one of the reasons for the creation of the installation 'Ballerino II' in its current form. I'm happy about that.


    A word of thanks is in order: thanks to Ans Verdijk and Clemens de Vroome for their hospitality and completely opening up their house. I thank Pim for the trust given. Thanks to Manus for setting up the washing lines and the various transport actions.

    Bart Drost, Beugen, May 8, 2015

    Oeffeltseweg 21, 5835 BB Beugen   -   T. +31 (0)485 36 26 18   -   M. +31 (0)6 53 39 62 29   -   E. mail@ansverdijk.com