• Museum of all times
  • Info
  • Susanne Runge

    Der Blick durch das Fenster

    Susanne lives and works in Berlin. She exhibited 20 years ago in the artist initiative ALARM. Over the years, a special friendship has grown and we have always followed each other's work.
    From August 23 to September 14, she will show her most recent drawing work after 20 years, entitled BLICK AUS DEM FENSTER.
    OPENING: August 23, 2014, 3:00 PM

    Susanne Runge has created a combination exhibition ALARM & MvAT.
    In Alarm she creates a spatial installation of her drawn canvases that suggest a nomadic journey.
    You can take a look through the windows of ALARM or you can come when it is open.
    The installation continues in the Museum of All Times, which can always be visited.
    During the KUNSTKOLK weekend September 12-13-14 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., work by Susanne Runge can be seen at Paulien Korte, Steenstraat 3 5831 JA Boxmeer.

    Oeffeltseweg 21, 5835 BB Beugen   -   T. +31 (0)485 36 26 18   -   M. +31 (0)6 53 39 62 29   -   E. mail@ansverdijk.com