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  • Aurélie d'Incau


    Although her work often has an improvised appearance, it is now rooted on solid theoretical ground. For Aurélie d'Incau, art is about stories and communication, about empathy.

    The dynamics of living together arise when people act together in adventure, according to Situationism. The game exposes the absurdity of the prevailing rational system. And all culture arises from play, without use or material importance, according to Huizinga. These are also d'Incau's themes. The young artist explores them in playful installations.

    She designs principles for encounters. For example, she asked passers-by on the street in Liège about their story while she was drawing it. Narrator and artist walked together in the imagination; is left with a trace map of their conversation. (Materials: memory, language, paper, marker.) With her intuitive approach and surprising interventions, she disrupts. She invites you to adventure. In Beugen she wants to show do-it-yourself animations, drawings that the viewer initiates with his or her own hands. Aurélie d'Incau plays and lets play.

    From September 9 in MvAT.

    Oeffeltseweg 21, 5835 BB Beugen   -   T. +31 (0)485 36 26 18   -   M. +31 (0)6 53 39 62 29   -   E. mail@ansverdijk.com