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  • Risja Steeghs


    As Museum Van Alle Tijden has been stripped of its former coat, Risja Steeghs has decided to pack it in for winter time. For her upcoming show in Beugen she is sowing the museum a jacket out of painted bedsheets. Thus transforming the museum into a living sculpture of shape and form. Once looking through the windows of the museum one will see a installation with pillowcases, connecting exterior with interior.
    Risja Steeghs compares her artworks to a diary. Taking care of them as if they were a piece of her own body. Steeghs sees art as an extension of life. She loves dancing, singing, cycling through Amsterdam and folding paper hats. Her hair has the same colour as Ronia the Robber’s daughter and Pippi Longstocking. Her first works were made in bed; struck by illness, the young artist made collages out of old family pictures.
    Recently graduated at The Royal College of Art in Londen she is now working as a multidisciplinary artist. Using installations, performances and projections as a manner to dissect life itself.
    Seducing the viewer to enter her colorful world through sensory objects and psychedelic atmospheres. Curiously looking for interaction with her audience.

    Verdijk thinks the exhibition is going to be a happening. Her museum might just turn into a one big Christmas feast, an immense snowflake in the small town of Beugen. Come and see if she is right.
    Both artists are inviting you on Sunday 18th of November. Ans will show a new series of textile works and Risja invites you for a psychedelic-tea-performance at 14.30 h.
    Open to public every day from 10 th of November till January 5th. 2018. 4 Euro entrance.

    Oeffeltseweg 21, 5835 BB Beugen   -   T. +31 (0)485 36 26 18   -   M. +31 (0)6 53 39 62 29   -   E. mail@ansverdijk.com