• Museum of all times
  • Info
  • Coen Vernooij


    I made my presentation in the Museum of All Times with about 15 identical works of different scale and thickness.
    I used this to create combinations that are adapted to the size of the 5 rooms/windows.

    With these sculptures I want to increase their spatial qualities in order to use these installations to emphasize the place-relatedness (or lack thereof) of the objects in a theatrical, architectural way.

    These formal considerations arise from my need to make the social involvement that often forms the basis of my work more explicit.
    I have been amazed by processes of inclusion/exclusion and the formation of judgments all my working life. Perhaps this is also the reason that my sculptures are deceptively simple. Only after a second look do the choices that have been made appear to be anything but obvious.

    Oeffeltseweg 21, 5835 BB Beugen   -   T. +31 (0)485 36 26 18   -   M. +31 (0)6 53 39 62 29   -   E. mail@ansverdijk.com